Beach Balance


Hello everyone and Happy New Year! My name is Kaleigh Tompkins and I am a third-year Public Relations major with a minor in Graphic Design. In my free time, I love to read and find local bookstores, try out new coffee places around Long Beach, and go to concerts. I absolutely love being a part of the Beach Balance team, and hope you check out all of the programs we have to offer!
- Kaleigh Tompkins, Beach Balance Assistant

It’s a new year and a new semester, meaning it is the perfect time to start fresh! Learn how you can prepare yourself for an amazing semester.

Make a Mood Board
Putting together a mood board is a great way to kick off the new semester, as well as get in touch with your creative side. You can use this as a way to manifest your yearly goals and set the tone of the new semester.
Here are some tips for creating your own mood board:
  • Utilize sites like Pinterest and Canva to put together a virtual mood board. They have a wide variety of images and graphics to choose from!
  • Incorporate inspirational quotes or mantras to remind yourself of your goals
  • Display your completed mood board in a space you will constantly see it (i.e. making it your desktop or phone wallpaper). Canva is a great for creating images that fit perfectly with your devices!
Plan Ahead
Organizing your class assignments and other daily tasks now can help reduce stress from piling up later in the semester. Getting into a daily routine is also beneficial to both your time and mental health, as it reduce uncertainly throughout the day and allows you to be more productive in your tasks.
When organizing your schedule, consider the following:
  • Use a daily or monthly planner to lay out future exam dates, important tasks, and other events
  • Utilize sites such as Notion to keep all of your class schedules, syllabi, and assignments in one place
Starting the semester doesn’t have to be stressful. The key to avoiding this is through the habits you create now and work on maintaining throughout the semester. We challenge you to dedicate this month to refreshing your habits and taking time to yourself. Have an amazing 2022 and great start to the semester!


Beach Balance

What is Beach Balance? This video might help explain.

Resperate Device


flower with dewdrops on petals




bowl of fruit


color spash yellow and blue background






BMAC building


Beach Balance, with support from Student Health Services, Bob Murphy Access Center, and Counseling and Psychological Services, aims to promote personal well-being, from a holistic approach, by empowering members of the Long Beach State University (LBSU) community to make healthy lifestyle choices.  Various educational opportunities are offered through Beach Balance, including programs about nutrition, stress management, biofeedback, and overall health education. 

Beach Balance has two locations on campus, they are in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC room 203C) and the University Student Union (USU 313). 

SRWC location services: 

  • Massage therapy 
  • Nutrition counseling 
  • Weekly events 

USU location services: 

  • Relaxonchair (full body massage chairs) 
  • Relaxation Station: health and wellness reading materials, art therapy, lounge chairs 
  • Weekly events 

If you are interested in learning more about Beach Balance, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the SRWC office at (562) 985-0763 and the USU office at (562) 985-4794. 

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