Featured Class

  • For participants to gain credit for their “climbs”, they’ll need to participate in one of our 3 virtual challenges and log their points using the link above.
    • Participants may submit a photo of a tied rock-climbing knot: (3 points)
      • Participants may tie any of the following knots: Figure-8, Figure-8 follow-through, Bowline, Double-Bowline, Clove Hitch, Figure-8 on a bight, Double Overhand, Double Fishermans. Girth Hitch, Square knot.
      • Participants may use any online resources for information on tying these knots
      • Participants may NOT submit a photo of a given knot more than once.
      • Tip: If you don’t have a rope, you can also use a charging cable, cord, yarn, or shoelace. Get creative!
    • Participants may submit a video demonstrating how to tie any of the previously listed knots (10 points)
      • Video must NOT be longer than 30 seconds in length.
      • Participants may NOT submit a video of a given knot more than once.
    • Participants may submit a video of them participating in the ROA Climbing Exercise Circuit (15 points)
      • Video must NOT be longer than 30 seconds in length
      • Participants may be awarded the full 15 points for every round of the circuit they complete.
  • Participants who began their Mile High Challenge sheet in person at the SRWC will still be awarded credit for all prior completions of climbs.
  • Point standings will be emailed every 2 weeks to those who opt in. Simply enter your email address when logging your points.

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