Featured Class
Event Date Student Price Non-Student Price Registration Date
Bolsa Chica Surfing Sept. 21 $40 $80 Sept. 14 at 10 PM
Mindfulness Hike and Beach Yoga Sept. 28 $35 $70 Sept. 21 at 10 PM
Dawn Mine Hike Oct. 5 $35 $70 Sept. 28 at 10 PM
Joshua Tree Camp & Hike Oct. 19 - 20 $75 $150 Oct. 12 at 10 PM
Leo Carrillo Beach Camp & Hike Nov. 2 - 3 $65 $130 Oct. 26 at 10 PM
Stony Point Climbing Nov. 16 $50 $100 Nov. 9 at 10 PM
Black Star Canyon Hike Dec. 7 $35 $70 Dec. 1 at 10 PM

Outdoor Adventure Trips are designed to give Long Beach State students fun and unforgettable experiences at various must-see destinations in the greater Southern California area. Activities include, but are not limited to, hiking, rock climbing, backpacking, surfing and paddleboarding.

Food, equipment and transportation are provided for all trips at no additional cost. *Mandatory pre-trip meetings are required for the Joshua Tree & Leo Carrillo Overnight Trips.

For more information or to sign up for a trip, visit us in person at the Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC) Rock Wall, or find us on the SRWC GO app.

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