Summer is the best time to indulge in new activities, develop hobbies and relax! Take a break to discover healthier habits and focus on taking care of yourself. Below are just a few ways to make the most out of your summer vacation, enjoy!
Since the weather calms down and school is out, there is more time for exciting outdoor activities and adventures. The Student Recreation and Wellness Center (SRWC) hosts a handful of online classes and more recently, there are in-person classes as well. Looking to do something that gets you moving? Attend a health-related class in fitness, meditation, nutrition and more. Especially if you’re working this summer, it’s important to focus on your wellness! Here are some ideas for leveling up your summer experience:
- Taking a walk and/or eating outside during work breaks
- Challenging friends to weekly or monthly fitness challenges (biking, volleyball, swimming, etc.)
- Hosting outdoor potlucks with your loved ones
- Trying out a new hiking trail and enjoying the liveliness of nature
- Heading over to the beach to soak in the sun and read
There’s always something new to try out. Look into what you can do in your area and how they can improve your summer wellness. For more ideas, visit the SRWC events calendar at Have a fun and safe summer!